Key Activities for Achieving Desired Results

Phase I: Stimulates student interest and raises essential questions.

The Teacher:

    1) Reads The City Mouse and the Country Mouse (available in other languages) to introduce the concept of two different environments and the idea of one's needs verses one's likes. The teacher has students make comparisons on a chart about the differences and similarities of the two homes.

    2) Provides a handout with images (names of items in the target language) and tells students to circle only three things they would absolutely want to have in their home in blue. The teacher asks students to circle three things they think they absolutely need to survive in red. Students may then share their answers in pairs with, "I would like to have ___." and "I need ___." The class discusses their answers afterwards to make a distinction about things they like versus things that are essential to their life.
    Needs for Survival (Powerpoint File)

    3) Displays pictures of three migratory animals/creatures that are very different from each other such as: a sea turtle, a butterfly, and an elephant. (Migratory animals are found on Enchanted Learning) S(he) asks questions about size, movement, and physical features using either/or choices and gestures to support meaning.

    4) Creates a Venn diagram to list the features that are mentioned and asks students to think about what all three of them have in common even though the animals are all very different.

    5) Presents a map of the continent on which each animal lives to show when animals move, where they move to and during which seasons or months the move takes place.

    6) Reviews the names of the seven continents with students in a touch/show activity. Students color-code a key with five animals and then use directions north, south, east and west to indicate the area in which the five animals live and migrate to on different continents. Students review season changes and brainstorm a list of reasons why animals migrate.

    7) Directs students to role-play migration on a floor map or on an overhead by providing the student actor directions, months, and seasons. The teacher asks students questions about the student who role-played migration such as: Where did he go? Did he go west or east? Did he go north or further south?
    Continent/Animal Color Code Activity (Powerpoint File)

    8) Reads one or two stories such as Tessa and the Fishy Mystery (UNEP/Tunza Environmental Series for Children), La Rivière au Trésor (Éditions Scholastic), or Benjamin célèbre la migration (Editions Scholastic) also called Franklin Celebrates in English.

    9) Uses Total Physical Response (TPR) to direct students to act out types of pollution or reasons for migration. Students illustrate a simple sentence about migration to share with the class.
    French Resources for Migratory Animals (Word Document)

Phase II: Focuses on content and language functions needed to assist students in meeting performance outcomes.


    1) Play games such as Fly-swatter, What's Missing?, or Tic Tac Toe to assist in remembering animal names, how they move, what they eat, and the name of their coat. Students can play Back to Back using new words and TPR or a dice game to create sentences about each animal for points.

    2) Play a Candyland style game in which they roll dice and must identify the name and item in need by an animal and an animal that needs it.
    Survival Needs Dice Game (Powerpoint File)

    3) Complete a graph that summarizes the characteristics of one migratory animal to become an expert about that animal and then teach it to others in small groups in a Jig Saw activity.
    Characteristics of Animals (Word Document) and
    Migratory Animal Needs Visual (Powerpoint File)

    4) Compare two animals using the characteristics chart and a Venn diagram. One student can make a statement about one of the animals and then the partner can reply by saying their animal is the same or different and then provide a characteristic about his/her animal in return.
    Comparison of two Animals (Word Document)

    5) Role-play an animal in a "Who am I?" game. The student will make "I" statements about what animal he/she is pretending to be. The classmates must guess the student's animal.

    6) Play Twenty Questions in small groups about the animals to practice descriptive words or identifying features used to define each animal.
    Un tableau descriptif des animaux (Word Document)

    7) Complete a biome chart with a partner as guided by the teacher to work independently and then report the answers on an overhead in front of the class. Students will then name one migratory animal for each habitat.
    Characteristics of Biomes Chart (Powerpoint File)

    8) Cut, paste, and color food/water, shelter, and animal mates into a mini-book with about five to seven migratory animals and then read their books to a friend or family member at home.

    9) Students circle items that do not belong in a particular habitat. On an overhead the teacher displays a list of the items that do and do not belong in the habitat. The teacher models asking whether the item belongs or is good for the environment and then asks a few student volunteers to take over and check off the chart for "good" and "bad".
    Pollution (Powerpoint File)

    10) Role-play deforestation. The teacher assigns some students roles as trees/plants and other students as animals that depend on them. Gradually the teacher takes the trees/plant students away and asks the students who are animals to seek new ones until many of them are clinging to only a few remaining living plants. Ask students simple questions about whether animals will survive by staying there or by moving.

    11) Color in a map on member countries of a global organization. The teacher first displays a web site or passes around a brochure from a global organization such as the UNEP (United Nations Environmental Program) and asks questions about who its members are and what the organization does to help animals.

Phase III: Involves students in performance tasks that address the 3 modes of communication.


    1) Read information on their select animal and complete a graphic organizer about the animal's habitats and locations, its physical characteristics, its needs for survival, and why it migrates. (It is suggested that younger students be given choices to circle to simplify the task writing.)

    2) Illustrate the animal in its habitat on a poster or with a shadow box for the final presentation.
    Information Graph on Animal (Powerpoint File)

    3) Role-play scientists asking and answering questions about migratory animals' habitats, physical characteristics, and needs. Older students must create and agree on an environmental organization name and its locations in the world based on the type of migratory animal they select. They will research different aspects of their animal and the share findings with their group members.

    4) Present posters or shadow boxes of their animal along with information they learned about it from their graphic organizer. Students provide simple statements about what type of habitat the animal lives in, what continents or countries it is found, and where it migrates.
    Animal Presentation Rubric