Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Does Not Meet Expectations
Describes five to six physical characteristics of an animal
Identifies the habitats the animal lives in and places where
it lives
States two problems the animal faces in its environment
Describes three-four physical characteristics of an animal
Identifies several habitats and places where the animal
States one problem the animal faces in its environment
Describes one or two physical characteristics of an animal
Cannot identify the animal's habitat or places where it
Cannot state a problem facing the animal
Comprehensibility/Language Control
Accurate pronunciation
Accurate use of memorized phrases; is easily understood by a
native speaker
Pronunciation may require the listener to ask the speaker
to repeat him/herself
Fairly accurate use of memorized phrases with some mistakes
Pronunciation and hesitations in speech pose great
difficulty for the listener to understand the message Does
not use memorized phrases accurately
Communication strategies
Repeats him/herself as necessary for audience
Uses visuals and gestures to support meaning
Repeats corrected statements from teacher or classmates
May use visuals and gestures to support meaning, but not
Is not able to repeat corrected statements
Does not use visuals or gestures to support meaning
Presentational Impact
Projects voice very well
Has expression in voice
Looks at audience when speaking
Voice is audible
Has some expression in voice; is often monotone
Looks at audience, but tends to rely on paper
Difficult to hear at times
Doesn't have any expression in
Does not look at audience often enough
Presentation Visuals
Includes a carefully illustrated animal, proper
labeling/slogan with no mistakes, and a map of the places
the animal lives that is clear and easy to read
Includes an illustration of the animal with labeling/slogan
that is mostly correct, and a map of the places the animal
lives with few mistakes that hinder readability
May not have a complete poster with an illustration that is
labeled; the map of places the animal lives is incomplete