Sample Interpretive Task Comprehension Guide
I. Before reading the article (selected by the teacher), jot down
background information you know about the topic. After completing
the reading, write brief notes about three new ideas that you
discovered about immigration and population trends.
What I know... |
What I learned... |
II. While reading the article, you encountered a few unfamiliar
words and expressions. Make informed guesses about the following
expressions listed below:
1. _________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________
III. You are the guest speaker at the Rotary Club monthly
luncheon. Answer the following two questions in the target language
as preparation for your speech.
1. Does the article provide information about the impact of
immigration on the country and culture? To what extent?
2. Does the article provide any solutions? Describe some of the suggestions embedded in the article.
3. What other solutions might you suggest to the problems faced by immigrants?